Musical preparatory courses
October 2018 – May 2019

Course for 5-year-olds who attend the Kindergarten in the 2018/2019 school year

The course aims to offer interested children the opportunity of a musical experience gained through psychomotor and play activities.
The educational path will be articulated in the acquisition of a musical reading code that will allow the realization of sound images with the voice and with instruments.

The course will start on Thursday 11 October 2018 and will take place weekly. Each meeting, lasting 45 minutes, will be held on Thursday from 16.00 to 16.45, at the headquarters of the Coro Farnesiano in via Stradella 43 in Piacenza

Course for children born in 2012 or children who in the 2018/2019 school year will attend the first grade of the Elementary School

The aim of the course is to bring children to the mastery of the fundamental elements of musical language, such as the structural knowledge of rhythm and sound.
The musical experience is matured through play with motor, mental, graphic and vocal activities.
The course will start on Monday 8 October 2018 instead of 1 October – as previously communicated – and will be held every Monday and Thursday from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm, at the headquarters of the Coro Farnesiano in Via Stradella, 43 in Piacenza.

Music literacy course for adults

For those who want to approach the world of music and acquire the fundamental elements of the “Goitre” method, the mastery of musical reading and the adequate technical awareness for a correct use of the voice.
Participation in the course is essential for joining the Farnesiano Choir.
The course will be held on Tuesday from 8.30 pm to 10 pm, starting Tuesday, October 16, 2018 at the headquarters of the Farnesiano Choir in Via Stradella, 43 in Piacenza.

For more information, you can write to the e-mail address:, or call: 339-2238771 / 0523-338236

School of music recognized for the school year 2018/2019 with determination n.6435 of 04.05.2018 of the Head of Service Development of Financial Instruments, Regulation and Accreditations of the Emilia-Romagna Region, referred to in the DGR n. 2254/2009 as amended by DGR n. 2184/2010.