White Voices

Founded in 1978 by Roberto Goitre and subsequently entrusted to the current director Mario Pigazzini, the White Voices of the Farnese Choir have developed over time, with great skill, the prerequisites of the “Cantar Leggendo” which, started by the founder, are now institutionalized methodological form and already educational foundation of various school initiatives. Very often present in research initiatives, the White Voices have also performed at the International Competition of Arezzo, receiving a third prize in the XXXIV edition in the Cori Giovanili and Voci Bianche section. In 1992 he was chosen to create, in collaboration with the “Collegium Vocale di Gent” and the “Petite Bande” directed by Sigiswald Kuijken, “The passion according to Matthew” by J.S.Bach. He has to his credit a series of tours in European countries such as the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Switzerland, Spain. Sometimes he collaborates with the theaters of Piacenza, Cremona and Brescia for the preparation of operas.

Youth Voices

It is made up of girls from the experience of the Coro di Voci Bianche and represents the ideal continuation of the didactic-artistic work carried out in previous years, characterized by solid knowledge and familiarity with the musical language, acquired through the use of “Cantar Leggendo” method by Roberto Goitre. The group is dedicated to the study of a repertoire ranging from Renaissance music to compositions by contemporary authors. The choir has participated in exhibitions and competitions, winning, in May 1998, the first prize, summa cum laude, at the Neerpelt International Competition in Belgium.

Mixed Voices

It was established in 1976 thanks to an initiative by Maestro Roberto Goitre aimed at spreading the culture of polyphonic singing in Italy, based on the desire to expand the repertoires and the rejection of singing by imitation. When the Master died in 1980, the direction was entrusted to Mario Pigazzini, who continued the work in all its pedagogical and artistic implications. Thanks to the genius of the Goitre method, the choir has set up a vast repertoire which, starting from Renaissance polyphony, includes the most significant compositions of concerted choral music such as Magnificat and Cantate by Bach, Magnificat and Gloria by Vivaldi, Vesperae Solemnes, Krönungsmesse and Mozart Requiem , Stabat Mater by Haydn and Traetta, Missa in C major op. 84 by Beethoven, Bruckner’s Te Deum, Fauré’s Requiem, Puccini’s Messa di Gloria, to name just a few. The Choir participates in festivals and festivals in Italy and abroad, in 2008 he participated in the Choral Festival of Barcelona following which he was invited to perform, in May 2009, in Rome in the Sistine Chapel and at the Basilica of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The Choir, which avails itself of the patronage and support of the Municipality of Piacenza, organizes the Farnese Polifonic Review and the International Review of White Voices and Youth Voices entitled to the founder.