22 Dec 2010: Mixed Voices
Italy, Lodi, Church of S. Alberto, Christmas Concert

20 Dec 2010: White Voices, Youth Voices, Mixed Voices
Italy, Piacenza, Basilica of Santa Maria di Campagna, Concert of Wishes

16 Dec 2010: White Voices
Piacenza, Sala delle Colonne of the Civil Hospital, Mass for the employees of the Hospital

11 Dec 2010: Mixed Voices
Italy, Piacenza, Basilica of S. Antonino, ASSOFA solidarity concert

26 Nov 2010: White Voices
Italy, Lodivecchio (LO), parish theater, concert lesson

Oct 30, 2010: White Voices, Youth Voices
Italy, Piacenza, Basilica of S. Giovanni, XXI International review dedicated to Roberto Goitre

9/12 September 2010: White Voices
Badalona, ​​Spain, Tournèe

June 29th 2010: Mixed Voices
Italy, Piacenza, Basilica S. Antonino, Antoninian manifestations

29 May 2010: White Voices, Youth Voices, Mixed Voices
Italy, Piacenza, “XIV Farnese Polifonic Review”

29 May 2010: White Voices
Italy, Piacenza, Chiesa dei Teatini, concert lesson

May 21, 2010: White Voices
Italy, Modena, Church of Gesù Redentore, Concert Lesson

May 1, 2010: White Voices
Reutlingen, Christuskirche

Apr 30, 2010: Mixed Voices
Stuttgart, Cathedral

Apr 22, 2010: Mixed Voices
Piacenza, Auditorium of the Piacenza and Vigevano Foundation, Concert for the 150th anniversary of the Romagnosi Foundation

Apr 20, 2010: White Voices
San Giovanni in Marignano (Rimini), Parish Church

Apr 16, 2010: Youth Voices
Piacenza, Cinema Teatro President, 9th Aerco Provincial Review

29 Mar 2010: Youth Voices, Mixed Voices
Piacenza, Basilica of S. Savino, Easter Concert

Jan 17, 2010: Mixed Voices
Muradolo (PC), Parish Church

Jan 6, 2010: White Voices, Youth Voices, Mixed Voices
Piacenza, Basilica of S. Antonino, Concert of the Epiphany